Monday, June 24, 2013

First time shooting in manual mode

So over the last week and a half I have been watching tutorials and reading up on how to step out of my comfort zone and shoot in manual mode.  It's been pretty difficult to get used to, but fun none the less.  I'm excited to keep practicing!!!
Here are some of my favorite shots....
In the last picture, I must have had a water smudge on my lens that I there any way I can correct it in photoshop?


  1. The 4th one down from the top is the key to one series I'd like you to try... experimenting with intentional movement in the background. This is called panning... the background is blurred and the subject sharp. Read up on it here: To do that you slow down the shutter speed by choosing a low ISO and the smallest aperture (like f22)... a cloudy day or evening light helps too...

    I don't see the water spot in the last one....

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I was trying so hard to capture more pictures of her on the swing, but I was finding it very difficult to keep her in focus. I think my problem was that I was speeding up the shutter speed instead of slowing it down. I will try to get some better shots tomorrow!
