Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week # 2 Downtown East Hampton

Crafts of a small town
Not your traditional hydrant
Rustic look
Staying country


  1. Looks like flash was used on the boots...See how that flattens everything out?

    The old building had the most potential for the is backlit though and including the sky makes it more so... (I've been recommending that you eliminate the sky from your pictures unless the photo is about the sky)

    You should move in on the bldg, find details, angles, textures and especially light in close.

    That antiques store is a good place to shoot...look for objects illuminated by the light of the front window.... move in and fill the frame....

    1. Ok I think I understand what I are talking about I am having a ruff time with the editing but I am trying thank you for the info

  2. I really like the photo of the pottery table. Lots of depth.
