Sunday, June 2, 2013

selfie been sick

Hi my name is Laura Burns. Today is Sunday June 2, 2013; and this is the first time I have felt a little better to get on here. I am looking forward to this class. The camera which I love to use is my Nikon D-40 I would love to up grade to the 3200. I have taken some really great shots with my camera of nature, sun rises, and sunsets. I am not your typical student. I am a mom, housewife and a full time student. I hope to enjoy this class and learn more about photography.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,

    Welcome... so sorry you were sick... hope you are well on the mend now...

    The D40 is dated but still quite respectable! It is easy to fall into the trap of wanting to have the newest thing (I am guilty of it myself)! But in the end, it is what we are seeing and how we are using the tools we have to the fullest that really matters.
