Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Intro & Self Portrait

Hi everyone.  Sorry I'm a little late posting to the blog.  My daughter's great grandmother actually passed away this past week, so i've been a little behind on my work.  Anyways, I'm Whitney and I am going into my senior year here at Albertus majoring in business management.  I am actually in the Photography II class this mod, as I took Photography I with Jerry last summer!  I have always enjoyed photography, and I look forward to learning new techniques and improving on the skills I have already learned previously.  I'm currently shooting with a Nikon D3100, but since the last photography class I have upgraded to a newer lens; a Tamron 18-200mm macro.  So far I have enjoyed it, and look forward to using it some more these next several weeks!  My fotothing account is wfinnegan if anyone is interested in seeing my photography I portfolio, or any other art related work I have in my gallery.  Looking forward to this mod, and I will see you all around the blog!

(For this "selfie" I used my iphone camera to capture a photo I took of myself using my Nikon!  I tried to be creative!)


  1. So sorry to hear about your loss... but it sounds like she was able to live a long life so there is some consolation there...

    I appreciate your creative approach, well done!

  2. That Tamron lens certainly does it all... (almost)
