Monday, June 17, 2013


From the syllabus....

Week 4
Shadows and Light
Consider this gallery of photographs by amateur Greek photographer, George Christakos. Notice how the photographs are about the quality of light... and shadow.
Or this series at Smashing Magazine... which ideas can you use?
Shadows take on a materiality that is just as strong as the architectural elements depicted, perhaps stronger. Use the widest focal length setting on your lens. Look for shadows as geometric form this week. Start around your home, downtown, or anywhere your travels take you. Look down, look up, fill the frame.
Light reflecting directly off water can be interesting... throw in dramatic clouds...perhaps at sunset... convert to black and white...
Chairs, railings, your back deck, light streaming in through windows casting shadows.... shadows made by people walking downtown...
Read this short Wikipedia entry on Minor White.
Read Equivalence: The Perennial Trend Minor White, PSA Journal, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 17-21, 1963
How can we use light as poetic metaphor?
Submit your best two images on the class blog and post 6-10 or more to your online album. (Links in academic expectations below).
"A very receptive state of mind... not unlike a sheet of film itself - seemingly inert, yet so sensitive that a fraction of a second's exposure conceives a life in it". -Minor White
In Windowsill Daydreaming (left), Minor White has found a projection of light rather than shadow to photograph. Can you find a beam of light to photograph?

Go shooting, shoot at least 50, edit down to your best 6-10 post your best here on the blog, put the rest on your fotothing portfolio....

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